Awww, guilty pleasures. They can happen to us in the form of music (if you think I never listen to that Bobby McFerrin CD I bought when I was 13, you’re dead wrong!) They can happen to us in the form of places and things we like to eat (McDonald’s french fries, anyone?) They can even happens to us in articles of clothing (get rid of the jean jacket that’s practically armored in 1-inch band name buttons?! Never!) But it would be hard to top the blush-inducing guilty pleasure that is a movie that maybe you’d rather not let on really gets you going. Certainly Laura and I can come up with more than just one, so I’d guess this will be an occasionally reoccurring topic… but for this, our first foray into the sexy-cinema-guilt-factory, we’ll stick to one example apiece.
Lyra’s pick: Original Sin (2001)
Laura’s pick: Wild at Heart (1990)
You can find the Pinterest album for this episode here.
Let the blushing ensue!